Time Flies!

A Heritage of the Air exhibition

Time Flies!

Nancy Bird-Walton

📷: Angel of the Outback – Nancy Bird- Walton AO & OBE

During my shift as a Switchboard operator at the National Library of Australia a variety of very unusual calls and requests for information! And today, a call from a client flipped the switch (Pun intended!) Into my first submission for the Heritage of the Air project. As the client explained that she was after the archived documents and manuscripts of the Australian women’s pilot association (AWPA), the more my curiosity burned regarding who AWPA is, and who started such an organization!

After all, the history and heritage of female aviators within Australian history has been sorely overlooked. I happily transferred the client onto the relevant staff members and eagerly sank my teeth into this organization, lo and behold! A name which should be burnt across the stars!

Nancy Bird-Walton – also known as the Angel of the Outback – how had Australian history blanched at her name and quietly settled her memory into a dusty corner where only the curiosity of a switchboard operator would unearth her story only due to one client call? Nancy Bird-Walton 16 October 1915 – 13 January 2009 was the founder and patron of the AWPA, the youngest woman to gain her pilots license at the age of 19 and became known as the ‘Angel of the outback’ due to her work as a member of the flying medical service. Ms. Bird-Walton was awarded the OBE (Order of the British Empire) in 1966 and the AO (officer of the Australian Order) in 1990 for her services to aviation and charity.

Ms Bird-Walton has remained an inspiration for female aviators across the world and will continue to be so! Her memory has given life to the continual memory which heritage has, and should be recorded – watch out for more submissions from me!

Submitted by Dayna Scott

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