Time Flies!

A Heritage of the Air exhibition

Time Flies!

Alfred Hermann Traeger OBE, Communications Engineer, Electrical Engineer & Inventor.

Alfred Treager (pictured 1 & 2) is little known at our hometown of Nhill with little recognition apart from a plaque erected by his family near the site of his birth.His invention allowing people in the outback to contact Medical help no matter where they were.
šŸ“·: 1. Alfred Treager is little known at our hometown of Nhill with little recognition apart from a plaque erected by his family near the site of his birth. His invention allowing people in the outback to contact Medical help no matter where they were.
His famous pedal wireless was actually a pedal operated generator which provided power for a two-way radio.
šŸ“·: 2. His famous pedal wireless was actually a pedal operated generator which provided power for a two-way radio.

Alfred Hermann Traeger OBE, Communications Engineer, Electrical Engineer & Inventor. Born on a farm at Glenlee, between Nhill and Jeparit in 1895. Although not an aviator, his pedal powered radios are recognised as a fundamental element in the inception of the Royal Flying Doctors Service in Australia. Alfred adapted the idea of the pedal radio by designing and building these devices in his workshop in Adelaide for John Flynn (founder of the Royal Flying Doctors).

In 1923 he was working for Hannan Brothers in Wakefield Street, Adelaide, doing car generator and electrical repairs. In addition, he was building his own crystal sets, valve radios and transceivers, and in 1926 obtained his Amateur Operators Proficiency Certificate. At this time, John Flynn was also experimenting with radio for the Australian Inland Mission and in 1926 he engaged Traeger as his assistant. Over the next two years Flynn and Traeger toured the outback together, testing and attempting to improve the cumbersome and expensive transceivers then in use. What was needed was a set that could be easily operated, powered and maintained by people who knew nothing about radio. The pedal wireless, adapted by Traeger in 1928, was essentially a floor-mounted generator (driven with bicycle pedals) which powered a radio transceiver capable of sending and receiving Morse code. In 1929, a base station was established at Cloncurry, Queensland, and the first pedal wireless set was installed at Augustus Downs station, 150 miles north. The first transmission was made on 19th June 1929 by the managerā€™s wife, to the Aerial Medical Service base station at Cloncurry.

Submitted by Trevor Borgelt from the Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre

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