Time Flies!

A Heritage of the Air exhibition

Time Flies!

‘Grounded’ – Australian General Aviation and the Pandemic

šŸ“·: 'Grounded' - Australian General Aviation and the Pandemic
šŸ“·: ‘Grounded’ – Australian General Aviation and the Pandemic

General Aviation in Australia has been decimated by Covid-19 and during the first few months of the pandemic I produced a series of podcasts about the impact on industry, called ‘Grounded’. The series was very well received by industry, and to be frank, could not have been possible without the willingness of well-known aviation industry participants to speak openly and honestly about their businesses and their lives. The series, I believe, is historically significant to Civil Aviation in Australia.

 ‘Grounded’ recorded the Covid-19 lived experiences of Adrianne Fleming (OAM) of Tristar Aviation Flight Training School, Sue Woods of Jabiru, Paul Bennet of Paul Bennet Airshows, Wendy Mann of Geraldton Air Charter, Michael Monck (CEO of RAAus), Ben Morgan of AOPA, and Sally Tindall (First Officer with Virgin and Astronaut in Training), among others. In total, thirteen podcasts in Q&A style, of around 25 minutes each, were produced. 

 The podcast series can be found here: https://soundcloud.com/user-967162232/sets/grounded-australian-general


Submitted by Angela Stevenson

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